Rachel Perkins
Technical Communicator. Community Manager. Storyteller. Nerd.
Likes: Pictures of the sky. Outcome-driven planning. Cheese. Problem-solving. Online chat. Cooking without a recipe. Dislikes: Tight waistbands. Acting without thinking. Arrogance. Unquestioning loyalty. Inequity. Rachel is a semi-retired veteran of the tech startup world with experience leading fast-growing startup teams and motivating communities of product users. She arrived in Port Townsend in the spring of 2019 ready to do something more worthwhile than growing other peoples' stock portfolios. When she learned about the Olympic Angels mission and programs, she immediately saw a truly effective way to leverage the resources and passion of an entire community to drive social change by improving outcomes for children in the foster care system. After a long stint of political activism at the national level, she also saw a fantastic way to begin to understand and engage deeply with the challenges faced by the local community she lives in. |